• Order your numbered 50th Anniversary James Dietz oil painting print today! LEARN MORE
  • Cost: $200 each, plus shipping and handling. LEARN MORE

Sua Sponte Foundation Events Gallery

Baja 300 Race
September 12, 2020

Dr. Jim Corcoran, Endodontist and former A Co Ranger, represents the Sua Sponte Foundation in Baja 300 Race.

Annual Heroes Invitational Golf Tournament
September 19, 2019
Fort Benning, GA

Georgia Electric Membership Cooperatives and their vendors raise more than $130,000 during the The Heroes Invitational held at the Georgia Club, near Athens.

OBJ Berlin 10 Year Anniversary
August 29, 2019
Fort Benning, GA

Men of A Company from 2009 and their families remembered and honored the sacrifices of SSG Jason Dahlke and PFC Eric Hario. More than 60 people attended this event.

Katzenberger Triathlon
August 25, 2019

The annual Katzenberger Triathlon raised $20,000 for the Sua Sponte Foundation!

16th Annual A Co & MSG Andy Fernandez  Memorial Reunion
August 8, 2019
Fort Benning, GA

Just over 130 people attended the 2019 Andy Fernandez Memorial Reunion in Savannah, Ga. Reunion Raffle Fundraiser raised for the Sua Sponte Foundation by A Company over the last 3 years: $3,370-2019, $2,700-2018, $1,876-2017
