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Sua Sponte Foundation Events Gallery

Ricky Potts Lifetime Achievement Award
August 1, 2019
Savannah, GA

The Sua Sponte Foundation presents Advisory Board Member, Ricky Potts with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Potts recently left his 1/75 Ranger Family Readiness position for a new job as Regimental Family Readiness Leader. Thank you for your devotion to the Rangers!

The 22nd Combat Deployment Care Package Bundling for 1/75 Rangers
August 1, 2019
Savannah, GA

Family and friends of the 1/75 Rangers, along with Sua Sponte Foundation Board t, gathered to prepare care packages and send love to deployed Rangers. Local school children also included letters.

27th Annual Ranger Hall of Fame Ceremony
July 10, 2019
Fort Benning, GA

Sua Sponte Foundation Board Member, Shelia Dudley, was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame for her dedication, service and contributions as Battalion Secretary to the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. A medal was presented to Dudley by Colonel Brandon Tegtmeier, former 1/75 Battalion…

2019 Ranger Rendezvous
July 8, 2019
Benning, GA

Caption for photos below: Sua Sponte Foundation Board Members, Don Barden and Richard Schooley, along with Sua Sponte Foundation Advisory Board Member, Ricky Potts, were inducted into the 75th Ranger Regiment as Honorary Members.

Killer Man Sons Motorcycle Club Annual Run
June 1, 2019
Savannah, GA

Thank you for a successful event!
