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    Making a Difference: 2021/Q1 2022

    The mission of the Sua Sponte Foundation is focused on U.S. Army Rangers of the 1st Battalion 75th Regiment and their families. Here are just some of the initiatives where the organization engages:

    • Assist wounded Rangers and families of those Rangers KIA (killed in action). We have been fortunate that this critical area of our charter has not been required currently.  However, the world continues to be a dangerous place and Rangers are still deploying all over the world.  The Sua Sponte Foundation stands ready should they need us.
    • Maintain the Ranger Memorial. This is a sacred place to celebrate and remember Rangers who have given the ultimate sacrifice.  The Rangers’ Memorial was built 100% by civilian donors and is maintained by the Sua Sponte Foundation.  We believe it’s the only memorial located on a military post maintained by civilians.
    • Support morale focused events. The Sua Sponte Foundation has found these events to be of significant value to the Rangers and are a great return on our investment.  Through these efforts, our hope is that the Rangers recognize they are appreciated and loved by the community.  The rate of suicide among veterans and active-duty military continues to be high. By helping these young men experience fun and a semblance of normalcy, we may be helping them more than we know.  The events are often coordinated by the battalion’s Chaplin, and includes marriage retreats, as well as Ranger retreats that may include activities such as a fishing and a Daddy/Daughter Dance.

    Specific initiatives handled by the Sua Sponte Foundation in 2021/2022 include:

    • Hosted the Roberts Ridge Reunion. Rangers on that mission discussed their experiences and Gold Star families remembered the fallen Rangers.  The Sua Sponte Foundation paid the travel for Gold Star families and paid for a BBQ hosted by the Ranger Battalion.  This event was a huge success and positively impacted hundreds of active and veteran Rangers.
    • The Sua Sponte Foundation supported Ranger wives as they ran the Palmetto 200 — a 200- mile race organized by six Ranger wives who raised money and awareness for the Sua Sponte Foundation on behalf of the Rangers.
    • Hosted 40 Rangers who participated in a Human Performance Course.
    • Hosted lunch for 260 Rangers at a retreat hosted by the Ranger battalion Chaplin.
    • Hosted 50 Ranger fathers and their daughters at the highly popular Daddy Daughter Dance that took place on a 3-hour river boat cruise.
    • Hosted 50 single Rangers at a Savannah Bananas baseball game.
    • Helped to renovate the home of a Merrill’s Marauders Ranger wife by purchasing materials. Several Rangers worked to make her home more livable, safe, and comfortable.
    • Helped repair the car of a Gold Star mother who was financially strapped. Supplied beef for Rangers who were deployed in an unknown location.  Our goal was to ensure the Rangers enjoyed a decent meal.
    • Purchased soccer jerseys for the Ranger soccer team
    • Paid the fee for a bag piper to perform at a memorial ceremony
    • Provided a low country boil for the A Company reunion which was attended by 200 Rangers.
    • Funded the Hall of Heroes where a local artist painted a portrait of every Ranger killed in the modern era. The portraits are on display at battalion headquarters.  Every Special Operations battalion in the nation has a similar wall at its headquarters.
    • Defrayed the cost of admittance to the Ranger Ball which was attended by 900 Rangers and their dates. This event is held every two years. It’s a great way to show the Rangers that the Sua Sponte Foundation supports them by offering some quality time with friends and family.
    • Assisted a Ranger widow who was experiencing trouble with her car.
    • Sponsored a team building event hosted by the battalion’s Chaplain
    • Hosted a Ranger-only shooting competition at 17 South Rod and Gun Club
    • Sponsored a Ranger team leader and squad leader team building event
    • Paid for day care and helped with various other areas when a young Ranger’s wife was arrested. The Ranger was left with virtually nothing due to his wife’s actions. He also had to care for his child and perform his duties as a Ranger.
    • Paid for hotel accommodations and van transportation for Rangers to play at the Heroes Invitational Golf Tournament
    • Paid transportation for the Celiz family to attend the Medal of Honor ceremony where their son was posthumously honored.
    • Provided 30 families with tuition assistance for their k to 12 children to attend private and special needs schools. The Sua Sponte Foundation also purchased curriculum materials for Ranger parents who are home-schooling their children.