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Our Mission

Providing Assistance to 1/75th Rangers and their Families

The Sua Sponte Foundation is an all-volunteer 501c3 non-profit organization comprised of a small group of veteran 1/75 Rangers and patriotic civilians. The Foundation was created in 2010 to provide assistance to Rangers and families of the 1st Ranger Battalion, part of the U.S. Army’s elite 75th Ranger Regiment based at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Ga. The Foundation’s name, Sua Sponte – Latin for “of their own accord” –is the regimental motto.

With the support of donations from individuals and businesses, the Sua Sponte Foundation:

  • Assists 1/75 Rangers and their families in times of crisis
  • Hosts and sponsors events to increase the morale and cohesiveness of the 1/75 Rangers and their families
  • Maintains and cares for the 1/75 Memorial site to the highest standard

It is the Sua Sponte Foundation’s goal to ensure ninety-eight percent (98%) of donations go directly to its mission and cause.


Over the years, your gracious donations have allowed the Sua Sponte foundation to provide assistance and funding in the following areas:

Transitional Services
  • One-on-one job counseling and placement for Ranger Veterans
  • Job search and networking for Rangers
  • Resume development
  • Annual financial planning seminars
Medical and Bereavement Assistance
  • Assist families of wounded Rangers with medical and travel expenses
  • Provide assistance to families of fallen Rangers
  • Support Gold Star parents, wives and caregivers during times of crisis
  • Enable Ranger spouses to accompany their husbands for cancer and other treatment at out-of-state facilities
  • Assist with renovation of wounded Rangers’ homes
  • Support and oversight for wounded Rangers’ homes to be ADA compliant and wheelchair accessible
  • Assist with Ranger amputee’s expenses
  • Purchase specialized beds for Rangers with serious injuries
  • Support the funeral of Ranger spouses
  • Provide airfare for Chaplain to be the officiant and the funeral of a Ranger spouse
Memorial Grounds
  • Place commemorative wreaths at the Ranger Memorial Site before major holidays and ceremonies
  • Maintenance, landscaping and upkeep of the Ranger Memorial site to ensure it remains in pristine condition
Morale and Cohesiveness
  • Prepare packages for deployed Rangers
  • Support numerous Ranger hail and farewell events
  • Enable Ranger families (who could not otherwise afford it) to attend high level recognition ceremonies for their respective Ranger
  • Support major 1/75 anniversaries and reunion celebrations
  • Support leadership Retreats including: camping, ministries and team-building exercises.
  • Offer spouse activities including: wives and couples retreats, Ranger wives socials and team building events
  • Sponsor Ranger family events including: Annual Ranger Family Day, Annual Ranger Kids Christmas event, Annual “Trunk or Treat”Halloween event, Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade participation, father/daughter dances, and father/son outings
  • Sponsor sporting events including: Annual Ranger sport clay shooting, race and relays, pheasant hunts, target shooting, fishing tournaments, golf tournaments, paint ball events, and Ranger Soccer Team
  • Sponsor annual Ranger Ball
  • Enable Ranger attendance at various pro sporting events
  • Provide event music for Hero Appreciation Day
  • Support welcome ceremonies for incoming commanders and leaders
  • Provide travel and recognition gifts for keynote event speakers
Tuition Assistance
  • Tuition scholarships for Ranger’s children (pre-K to 12th grade) of the 1/75th
  • Home schooling assistance
  • Special needs tuition


Transitional Services
Medical and Bereavement Assistance
Memorial Grounds
Morale and Cohesiveness
Tuition Assistance