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    Marauder’s March: The 1,000 Mile Challenge
    April 14, 2021

    Marauders’ March: The 1,000 Mile Challenge  fundraiser was hatched and led by Dave Weinberg and Charlie Brown to achieve two goals:

    1) Honor the heroic Rangers of WWII, Merrill’s Marauders, by completing as many miles as possible in the month of March with a minimum team goal of 1,000 miles which was the same amount of miles the Rangers navigated in some of the world’s most treacherous terrain and weather on the planet to accomplish their mission against the Japanese in the China-Burma-India Theater of War. Teams could comprise of 2 people or more. Miles could be attained by any human powered means: walking, biking, running, rowing, hiking, etc.

    2) Raise money for the Sua Sponte Foundation to benefit the Rangers of 1/75.

    With ONLY a one week notice to the public about this event, we still had 45 people participate in registering miles and 22 participants who actively raised money or placed a personal donation to the SSF.

    This will NOW be an annual fundraising event in March. Stay tuned for the 2022 Registration!

    Total Amount Raised: $22,156

    Special thanks to American Trigger Pullers and Hammer Nutrition for sponsoring this event.


    Top 5 Fundraisers:

    Dave Weinberg: $14,294.03

    Charlie Brown: $3,357.20

    Ellie Quinn: $2,199.53

    Amber Boyers: $533.35

    John Melamed: $364.33


    Top Individual Mileage Attainment Leaders

    Top 5 Men:

    1. Charlie Brown: 767.83 miles
    2. Dave Weinberg: 675.76
    3. John Taylor: 376.91
    4. Dave Taylor: 250.84
    5. Mitchell H.: 231.7

    Top 5 Women

    1. Rachel Perez: 427 miles
    2. Kathleen Lee: 372.24
    3. Rebecca Best: 342.05
    4. Tara Mildenberger: 248.38
    5. Clelia Stevens: 203.73


    Top 3 Team Mileage Attainment

    1. Ranger W1ves: 2, 257.33 Miles
    2. Marauders’ Lead The Way: 1,707.54 Miles
    3. Reviresco: 1,443.59 Miles


    Team Averages (Per Person)

    1. Reviresco: 721.79 Miles
    2. Marauders’ Lead The Way: 243.93 Miles
    3. Tribal Leaders: 123.37 Miles
    4. Ranger W1ves: 86.82 Miles