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    Remembering Rangers Who Have Made the Ultimate Sacrifice

    Henry Caro
    Henry Caro
    Command Sergeant Major
    Henry Caro
    HHC, 1st Battalion (Ranger)
    75th Infantry
    November 6, 1976

    Information and Sentiments


    Henry Caro Noncommissioned Officer Academy.
    Named in honor of Command Sergeant Major Henry Caro, first enlisted commandant of the Fort Benning Noncommissioned Officer Academy, 1936-1976.

    CSM Henry Caro enlisted in the military in May of 1955. He was discharged in May 1958. After 2½ months as a civilian, he re-entered the Army and for the next 18 years he served with: 101st Airborne Division, Ft Campbell, Kentucky; 2d Battalion Combat Team, Iceland; 1st Infantry Division, Ft Riley, Kansas; 82d Airborne Division, Ft Bragg, North Carolina; Military Assistance Command, Vietnam; Infantry School, Ft Benning, Georgia; 173d BDE, Co N (Ranger), 75th IN, RVN; and 1st (Ranger), 75th IN, Ft Stewart, Georgia. He served as the Infantry School Command Sergeant Major at Ft Benning, Georgia.

    CSM Caro received an Associate’s Degree. He graduated from Basic Airborne School, Jumpmaster School, Pathfinder School, Land Search Rescue School, Ranger School, Jungle Warfare School, Raider Course, Military Advisor Training Course, Defense Language Institute (Vietnamese), NCO Academy, ANCOC, and the Sergeants Major Academy

    CSM Caro’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star with V Device (4th OLC), Purple Heart (1st OLC), Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal with V Device (3d OLC), Good Conduct Medal (7th award), National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal (9 Battle Stars), Vietnam Gallantry Cross (Gold and Bronze Star), Vietnam Honor Medal (2d Class), Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Master Vietnamese Parachutist Badge, Pathfinder Badge and Ranger Tab.

    A Letter from Stephen Blackwell

    I have pleasant and very fond memories of CSM Caro. He is a Ranger’s ranger. CSM was always attentive to what you had to say. After a company run, I saw him attending to his leg. I approach him and observed a wound on his shin that was draining and he was cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide. As we conversed and I inquired, CSM said it was a wound suffered from an AK-47 in Vietnam. If I recall, at this time it had to be late 1975 or early 1976. Point being, this soldier had been treating a fragile skin graft for many years struggling with a stubborn healing problem and fending off looming threat of infection. No doubt, he would always occasionally, need to attend to this personal care after most runs or any other strenuous exercises. No sick call, no medic, only disregard for himself and total care for his Ranger’s. In a similar way, memories of the Reforger Exercise in Germany, my weapons platoon was assigned to HHC company with CSM Caro. He organized use into a ‘Ready Reaction Force”. Those memories of going out at a moments notice and capturing the aggressor forces, driving up and down the German streets, eating together, joking together are all great times. There are many other fond thoughts of CSM Caro. I can honestly say he was very proud of being a member of the 1st Battalion and leading a fine bunch of ranger men. CSM Caro was truly an asset to the 1st Ranger Battalion, the U.S. ARMY, and a Ranger’s ranger! I know God has him on security duty in Heaven above. Hooooah! RLTW


    Stephen Blackwell – Co. C, 1/75 Rangers (Orig. 74)