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    Marauders’ 1000 Mile March Raises ~ $30K; A Total of $109,695 Raised in the Event’s Four Year History

    Marauders’ March has ended its most successful month ever! Seven teams comprising 38 total members covered over 8,500 human-powered miles and raised almost $30,000 for the Sua Sponte Foundation. Four teams literally met the 1,000 mile challenge. Team Reviresco, including Charlie Brown and Dave Weinberg logged 2,055.78 miles. Team Semi-Auto’s Andrew Grey and Reace Hudgeons were right on their heels with 1,913.33 miles. The Toc II Crew of Leo Matthews, Dominique Matthews, Lauren Joyce, and Craig Joyce remained in shouting distance at 1,897.80 miles, and The Beat Endurance, comprising Rob Quintos, Matt Reed, David Mason, Craig Broberg, and Kai Winter turned in a respectable 1,506.25 miles.

    Top individual honors went to Andrew Grey with a phenomenal 1,267.09 miles. Andrew and his teammate Reace Hudgeons scored the highest team average at 956.67.

    The top fund raisers were Team Reviresco with $23,587.39 and The Beat Endurance scored the highest average donation per team member at $649.42.

    Thank you to all participants, donors and sponsors! DOGWOOD WEALTH ADVISORS, LLC American Trigger Pullers SIX AND TWENTY DISTILLERY JOCKO FUEL Terra Arma #RLTW